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Color Consultation

There is no excitement like room design. Regardless if it’s a new house or you just need a fresh coat of paint, there is a near-infinite combination of colors, tones, shades, tints, and sheens to choose from. With so many choices, it can be challenging to find what color is right for you, your room, and your home.

paintEZ's color consultation can help ease your worries. As professional color consultants, we can help you find what color you want, teach you how to balance them from room to room, and offer more that will add to your overall design. 

The importance of paint color selection

Imagine yourself getting ready for work in the morning. You grab a shirt and ask yourself how it will match your pants, skirt, tie, shoes, belt, watch, rings, earrings, and you make your choice. You get dressed, ask your spouse what they think, and they tell you to change your shirt. 

Most might weigh the social cost of wearing a stained shirt over the potential for a second round of decision paralysis in the same morning. Steve Jobs famously avoided this by keeping a closet full of identical black long-sleeved shirts and pants. Mark Zuckerberg does the same, but with a spectrum of gray short-sleeved shirts. 

Now imagine it being your home where you've spent hours, days, months, and weeks selecting the perfect color only to have your friend come over and mention your living room is the same color as their master bathroom. Maybe they just have good taste in bathroom color selection, or maybe they know that seafoam green is a natural color giving it a strong association with the environment, helping them balance emotions and promote a sense of calm and clarity. 

The color of home interior paint has been associated with occupants experiencing significant psychological effects. Some colors have a calming effect and others more stimulate exciting and mood-lifting experiences. Certain shades have been shown to make you more productive and others remind you that this is your home. Depending on your room's function, paint color can be all the difference in your project's success. 

Some house paint colors have been shown to affect the value of your home. A 2017 Zillow analysis of more than 32,000 purchased residential properties identified specific colors that can increase your home's value. Homebuyers understand paint color in as much as what appeals to them. They will like the color of a room before they scrutinize its sheen or scan the surface for damage. 

The Color Consultation Process

We are experienced professionals that can explain the benefits of choosing the right color for your home. We understand the most recent and value-boosting trends, room functionality, and how to make your design shine. Specializing in combining color psychology, design theory, and the current housing market, our color consultation process will help you make an engaging and attractive color palette that best suits your home. 

For any homeowner, remodeling your home's interior is a significant investment and we want to help you get the most value from your home painting project. You should consider EmeraldPro Painting for color consultation services when planning your redesign. We have the knowledge and the network of resources to turn your home office into the center of industry, make your bedroom into a paradise oasis, or bring out the elegance of your dining room. We can help you make the color decisions that best suit you, your home, and your plans. Let's bring color to life!