Boise Commercial Painting
Painting your commercial property is an investment in how you, your employees, and your customers see your business
It is mission critical you choose the best commercial painting contractor for the job. You need to be sure the contractor you hire can bring your vision to life; one that will guide you through the proposal and execute the project beautifully, efficiently, and affordably.
Paint EZ is that contractor.
What you should know about painting your business
The appearance an office or retail space is as important than you might think it is. The color of your office has a strong effect on mood and behavior. The sepia tones of white and off-white walls with brown trim are nice. It's a look that encourages order, straight lines, and single-file queues. It is the conservative motif of libraries, city offices, and number-named convenience stores.
But, if you want collaboration, creativity, or browsing, you need to think of color. According to Color Marketing Group, active, stressful environments such as call centers can better benefit more from cool blues and greens than aggressive red and orange tones. But more subdued workspaces like engineering departments or accounting offices can be energized by those aggressive pops of color.
Utilizing conservative, cool, or aggressive hues all speak to employee productivity. To paraphrase an article by Psychology Today on the interplay of the unconscious and conscious minds, a person's environment speaks to their inner being, affecting their judgement, behavior, and happiness. It helps bring pride to their work and makes them more engaged.
An October 2020 Gallup News poll suggests only 36% of employees are engaged with their work--highly involved in, enthusiastic about and committed to their work and workplace. You want that!
A 2005 Forbes article pinned the cost of disengaged employees at $3,400 for every $10,000 of salary. This loss is often realized in excessive time off, quality issues, customer complaints, and overall sales performance because customers will similarly respond. You don't want that!
Engagement is everything
The Harry Gordon Selfridge axiom, “The customer is always right,” might mean everything to your business. Even when they are wrong, businesses don't normally tell customers when they are. Immediately, at least. Businesses want customers to feel special; valued. But he made that statement for practicing customer service in his London department store in 1909 when patrons might haggle over the price of a bolt of fabric. It was a guide for clerks in making a decision that was still in the store's best interest when dealing with loud and obnoxious customers.
David Ogilvy’s, "The customer is not a moron. She's your wife," might be more appropriate for today. Ogilvy was telling companies they needed to form relationships with customers and treat them intelligently. Treating the consumer as anything but brainless was revolutionary thinking when he wrote this in 1964.
There needs to be an experience. You need to create an experience. You might enter a grocery store and somehow, instinctively know where to find the produce section. It's never in the middle of the store and usually the furthest from dairy. Similarly, you might visit a department store and have a decent intuition of where you can find socks. They are probably furthest from the door, near the shoes. You know this because experience has taught you these things.
Many modern businesses create experience through intuitive spaces and visual cues to guide customers and employees, alike. In retail, this might be colored walls differentiating boy’s from girl’s clothing. In offices, this might be different shades for conference rooms and quiet areas. Some may question this. But, they also drive between the white lines on a road and most park in appropriately marked spaces. In industrial settings, workers avoid lanes marked for robotic equipment, keep combustibles in red lockers, and not store items in yellow painted areas.
It's a color-coded world.
You should consider optimizing your employee and customer experience with clear signals for designated areas, and using those to influence their productivity or spending behaviors. There is no single answer to how this is done. But there is a confluence of design and culture that begins with creating a space where each can get the most from their experience and help you reach your goals.
Paint EZ wants to help your business grow. We are experienced professionals in commercial and industrial painting. We are familiar with the Occupational Safety and Health Standards of our industry and capable of respecting yours. Our employees are drug tested and vetted by criminal background check.
We are committed to providing you with the best in quality craftsmanship.
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